I don't need to tell those of you who went to Nurturing Nature on Saturday the healing powers of nature. As the snow weary, cold tired crew filed in, smiles and laughter began as soon as they stepped into one of the green houses. The same comment came out of almost every person's mouth:
"It smells like life in here"
It is a true testament to how we crave the outdoor world. This article "Why Getting Outside is So Good For You" Tells us in words what our bodies try to tell us in so many ways. Even if it is the cranky slamming the steering wheel as your car barely revs up when you start it because of the insane cold that seems to be lingering here in Maine... this may or may not be a real story... in my driveway...
Getting outside is so much more than just vitamin D. Studies have proven that in areas with less green space, (generally your more urban areas) there are much higher cases of conditions linked to anxiety disorder and depression. Cities with more green space and canopy contain many health benefits beyond just the environmental factors. One study here from American Forests is rather interesting. Going to conventions, we see more and more conservation trusts are pairing up with their urban counterparts and coming up with plans to add more green space to the cities. There are great things being done around the country and the benefits are countless.
So aren't we lucky to live where we live? No worries about green space, KCT has done a great job, as have all the Maine Land Trusts, of preserving beautiful places for you to be. So take advantage of it! Better your health...
Think of how we describe how we feel after a run, a walk out on the trails, or on the beach, refreshed, clearheaded, renewed, light, and the list can go on. All of them are positive. Rarely do we come back feeling worse than when we went out.
We all need the fresh air. Even though winter in Maine seems to have set up camp, it is no excuse to not get out and enjoy some Vitamin N (Nature!)
PS If you are looking for ways to get your Vitamin N this weekend, come tracking with us on the Tyler Brook preserve... Get the details on our Webpage and we hope to see you on the trails!
and just know... Spring will come someday... I saw it in the greenhouse.
Photo taken by: Leia Lowery at Blackrock Farm Kennebunkport ME
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