Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday- Top Natives to Plant this Summer!

Here is your newest addition to the top ten lists. 

I don't know about you, but this warm weather has my gardening gloves twitching!  I am ready to get elbow deep in the dirt and start planting something.  Here is a list of Native Plants to Maine, that not only are useful and beautiful, but also are environmentally friendly and helpful for our furry and flight fancy friends.

How many of us have gone for a walk on a trail... oh say The Smith Preserve (a shameless plug for our beautiful properties)  only to find a patch of wild blueberries to provide a little sweetness and sustenance on our journey.  There is no reason that can't be in your front yard!

With a little planning you can have a tasty treat, and beautiful butterflies and birds flocking to your yard while getting back to the basics of Maine's plant ecology.

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