It makes an interesting point, and makes you think for a bit. So think about this today as we drive around in our cars, fly in the sky and do all the things that humans do and have just figured out in the past few seconds...
From the Biomimicry Institute:
It's midnight at the International Date Line. That means...
It's officially Life's B(earth)day!
Life's B(earth)day is derived from what is often called Earth's Calendar Year. When we compress the age of the Earth (4.5 billion years) into a single calendar year, we can better understand our place in the vast time scale of evolution. For instance, Life first appears (as single-celled organisms) on February 25. Remarkably, nucleated cells don't appear for another five months, on July 15. And you have to wait until December 13 to see mammals emerge!
How much of the year do you think humans have been around for?
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