Four Crucial Ways Playing Outdoors in Winter Benefits Children
Gives us some reasons why it is good to get outside even when we feel like we are buried in more ways than one. There are all sorts of reasons we should be letting our kids play outside, and somehow all of us let fears get in the way. Whether it's fear of strangers, or fear of frost bite, maybe we can all take the common sense approach and head out of doors for the day. After reading this article we will "Trust in Education" that advice. (Yes we just used our name as a verb... tricky) While the article is written about getting kids outside... we are all kids at heart... heed this advice and use it for yourself as well!1) Remember that the rub down that we give our kids with anti-bacterial doesn't necessarily do the trick. Getting them out for fresh air (which isn't recycled like in closed windowed houses and schools) is critical. Its amazing how filling our lungs with that fresh cool air can make you feel totally new. Now granted, lately here in Maine taking a big breath of air may include and inch of snow, so choose your breathe wisely, and remember, the great outdoors is large... the bacteria might lose you!
2) Exercise is a big must in the winter. Many of us believe that we are headed for hibernation and start eating like wild beasts and being less and less active. All this does is make us more tired, less active and our pants too tight. Kids especially who are using their brains to learn every day at school, need the exercise to keep those synapses firing and keep their brains active by keeping their bodies active. Remember, trudging through the 4 feet of snow in the front yard, is a lot of work...and perhaps just what the brain ordered.

4) Getting our Vitamin D.... we can only get that through sunshine or a little jelly pill...which is more appealing?
So while Trust in Education can put a silly spin on a serious article, please read it and get outside, enjoy this beautiful place that we have to live in, and reconnect with the outside... There is always hot cocoa on the other side of the front door!
If you are looking for trails and places to play, Visit our website:
to see our properties where you can run and play and love Kennebunkport!
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